World Environment Day! The students of the Stitch association held a stall for the World Environment Day celebrations in Sainte Luce last week. As you all know, Sainte Luce is very closely affected by environmental changes and the Stitch association is so crucial so that the embroiderers husbands do not have to risk their lives in increasingly dangerous seas.

Esterline takes note of stock being sold at World Environment Day stall
As we have shown you in recent posts, the members of the association have had various classes and been taught different business skills. Running their own stall at the World Environment Day is an amazing step towards running the whole association independently. Below you can see an amazingly beautiful cushion featuring this tiny stitch that so many of the embroiderers are adopting now. Green stitch on purple fabric creates an exciting colour illusion that we just can’t wait for you to experience. We have a new cushion in London with a similar style that will be on the website soon…. watch this space!

Hand embroidered cushion in Madagascar for World Environment Day
Madagascar, and especially the coastal Anosy region is very vulnerable to environmental changes. If you would like to find out more about World Environment Day please do have a look at the official UN website here where you can find out more about World Environment Day.
As always we thank you for your continued support of Stitch, I’m sure you will agree the products are getting better and better. If you can think of any way in which you would like to support this project please do get in touch. It is very possible for you to run your own Stitch stall wherever you fancy!
And remember to look into World Environment Day!